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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Friday, March 11, 2005

I came across a very interesting article today from the London Free Press in my media scan. Here are some excepts:

"Nothing actually gets "sold" when governments privatize public services, which perhaps would be important to remember the next time any government initiates plans to privatize a public service, like health care, for example. Don't be fooled. Privatization, off-loading, divesting, whatever you call it, should be a dirty word because no one benefits except for the elite at the top of the food chain in the private organization."

These comments were made by Phil Sardies, former Chairman of the Young Offender Services for the Ontario Public Service (MCSS/MCYS). Government spending is good, m'kay? Privatization bad. There are fundamental reasons we have governments, spending on public projects and the public good overall is WHY we pay our taxes. I'm glad the Grits have instituted the Democratic Renewal Secretariat here in Ontario. I have a friend who's post-grad work is primarily in democratic deficit (what a term!), and as a think-tank, these guys do good work. I could say more, but I'd have to kill you.


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