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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Is today the day?

Does the tower of Liberal power finally come tumbling down? You know, it amazes me that the Liberal party has gone from "The Big Red Machine" to "The Red Menace" so quickly. Not a few years ago, the Libs could have shaken off this "scandal" and continued on unscathed - at least in the public eye. Backroom dealings and secret handshakes would have kept this little ditty out of papers, and out of voters minds. Now, every little thing seems poised to kill the sitting parliament.

But I have to agree with the vox populi at the moment, enough already. Sh*t or get off the pot, as it were. If we're going to go to an election, let's get it on. If not, shut up and get back to work. If in fact we do have writ mania, its entirely possible that the Nar will be helping out a political party (I've already been asked). Now that would be fun!

...In other news - tomorrow is another "big" day for Ontario. That's right, it's provincial budget time baby! Break out the party hats and plastic cups, because this one's gonna be... well, more or less that status quo? That's what I think. Sure, all the papers will be telling you that services will be cut, and "service fees" will go up, but I doubt it. Call me a middle of the road-ist, but I think that the government has realized that:

A) It's in big trouble financially, and it doesn't matter who's fault it is, just that they've got to fix it fast; and
b) Adding to that trouble - and by that I mean translating it down to the average tax payer - is a political bullet to the head.

The Grits will continue to work towards their 5 priorities within current fiscal restraints, which are considerable but probably don't have to get any worse at this point. I guess we'll have to see.

Tune in tomorrow to see if my powers of prognostication are indeed with the paper they were printed on when I bought my diploma over the interweb!


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