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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Friday, November 25, 2005

An Ode to Snow

Ahh, snow. How I love thee.
They way you needle me in the face,
The way you remind me I'm alive.

The snow in Canada is a singlularily unique event. Not because Canada is the only place where snow occurs. And not because it is the only place that gets cold. Its because of all the northern, snow bound countries of the world, we are the only ones who revel in it. And we should.

People often ask "how can one tell the difference between Canadians and Americans?" Set aside the fact that we are not warlike (at least, not anymore), a major indicator is this: when it snows, Canadians are happy. Anyone who lives in Canada, be them first, second, or five-hundreth generation, that gets happy when it snows is a Canadian. You have passed the test.

Why? Because snow is not a handicap for us, it is merely the transition from one set of activities to another. Set the skateboard aside for a bit and grab the snowboard and get back outside. Break out the cross-country skis. Lace up the skates. Sneak outside to smoke cigarettes whilst shovelling the driveway. Pick your poison, as it were. But pick something and get out there.

The snow may come and go, but the feelings never leave. A place without the white stuff is just a little weird come December.

Go winter,
Go snow,
Go Sudbury!


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