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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Site Update

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to take this opportunity to let all you loyal listeners know whats up with the site and all the wicked developments in the pipe...

We're just about to re-launch The Daily Nar as a fully blown website, replete with all the subsections you'd expect: News, Politics, Music, and more! The new site design is rad and easy to navigate. And the big news...

We've got contributors! As of today, we've got at least 5 new savants eager to add their amazing knowledge, wit, and insight to the ass-end of the blogosphere we call home. Only it won't quite be part of the blogosphere anymore, weird.

We're going to expand everything you've come to love about the site, and more. More news, more posts, more interviews, more music, more pictures, more ads, more money, more fame, more More MORE!

Yup. I should be awesome, and I'm happy you'll all be a part of it. Because the site will basically be an extension of everything I've been about to this point: free and fun. Everyone that contributes to the site will do it because they want to be a part of it, not because they need a paycheck. As much as I'd like to pay everyone that takes the time to contribute, even I don't get anything out of this, except the odd email from a reader and the satisfied of venting my useless barf on the masses. Its a quid pro quo thing,

So, anyone who's currently linking to the site, make sure you update your links to http://www.thedailynar.com , so when the site makes the switch, you're not left out in the cold. DO IT NOW. It'll still work now, and will only add to your site's cool-factor in the future.

I know some regular features, like the New Music Friday and the podcast, have been missing as of late; but that's only because we've been working on a more stable and appealing format for y'all. Everything should be sorted out soon, and hopefully, we can have a big party to celebrate the new site. Anyone who wants to contribute, email me at thedailynar@gmail.com. I guarantee nothing.

Never fear, the Nar is here.

Rock on,

The Daily Nar

(the Daily Nar listened to Moneen, RKL, The Fall of Rome and Still Remains while writing this, so cannot be held responsible for any unintended awesomeness that may have resulted).


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