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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Friday, April 07, 2006

Why is ABC remaking The Ten Commandments?

That's only part of my question. The obvious follow-up is: why now? In a time when, arguably, religion tensions have never really been higher, why does an American international television station feel the need to remake this story?

Is it because for some bizarre reason ABC feels its international viewers need to be reminded of one of the most important Christian stories around Easter (the most important of Christian holidays)? In a time when leaders would argue that religious sensitivity needs to be observed, do ABC executives think "F*ck that, America was founded on Christian beliefs, and I'll be damned if we don't remind all Americans what they've signed up for".

Why not a show about The Night of Power? Or the life of Muhammad? Or Buddha? Or any other religious story that hasn't been done already? For 50 years, the original version of The Ten Commandments has been successfully boring people to sleep, so why the change?

To me, this just comes across as par for the course these days. I'm really not surprised this sort of blatant ignorance would take place. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that ABC execs didn't even think about the optics of this.

And by the way, all proceeds from the show are going to Habitat for Humanity. While I don't have a problem with HFH, it should be noted that it is a Christian organization.

As I write this, 20/20 is airing a story called "Who is the Real Jesus". Boy oh boy, it just never stops.
ABC.com - The Ten Commandments


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually a Jewish story and it was shown at the start of Passover (Pesach).


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