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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Oh the Girls are out to Bingo...

And the Nar is getting stink-o. Later tonight, at Sneaky Dee's. Leland is DJ'ing, it's gonna be a barn-burner (and you're all invited).

Recording studios are probably the reason why rockers have addition issues. Any rock type will usually say that the studio is the greatest place to be as an artist: a place to create, to compose, and generally collaborate on the beautiful muse that is my art (or some mumbojumbo like that). This is most likely because the artist in question hasn't been in the studio in a while. Ask anyone who is actually in the middle of recording and they will tell you the truth: 8-13 hours (or more) a day with generally nothing to do, playing the same three riffs over and over ad nauseum is decided NOT the conduit for free expression you think it is. That's where the devil make easy work of idle hands, as it were. Smoking, drinking, debauchery, it's just a way to pass the time until the guy behind the big board says "OK man, we need you to do that again". I know anyone playing in a band reading this right now is nodding their head.

My good friends in Raise them and Eat Them are in the studio now (really, they are actually recording as we speak). They have it sweet though, the guys at Hidden Roots have given them pretty much the run of joint, and a totally flexible timeframe to produce the new album. That's gotta take the edge of the mind numbing drudgery that is recording for sure! I'm headed there now. Will report back soon.


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