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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The joys of the TTC

So appearantly the TTC was shut down today because of a bomb scare. I'd have to say, I would have been in the line this morning if anything had in fact gone awry. I took the bus to St. Claire and walked down to Bloor noting the heavy police presence at each station. One bridge that happen to cross an exposed part of the track was complete sealed off with police tape! Is this vigilance, or over-reaction? One official was quoted last time as saying something to the effect of "we don't want to be shutting down the TTC for every prank call we receive". So, are we to assume this was a legitimate threat? I have heard reports of 'suspicious' packages discovered in one of the stations or trains, but no confirmation of that (damn CBC strike!).

*did you know, that last year the PM was briefed several times on potential terrorist activities on the TTC? I'd show you the link but the CBC site is all wonky (damn CBC stike!!)

UPDATE: 15,000 passengers were affected by the stoppage, as the Toronto Police bomb squad was dispatched to Rosedale station to investigate a suitcase that was eventually found to contain personal belongings such as clothes and books.


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