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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Friday, August 12, 2005

Post TechTV/Diggnation meetup

Last night was great. Big thanks to Jerod for making the trek. It was really great to see the great hosts from some of the shows that are no long on G4TechTV in the US. Here are some highlights.

- Leo Laporte gets mobbed everywhere he goes. It was pretty crazy to see how he couldn't walk five feet without getting bombarded by older dudes with (I'm sure) crazy computer questions. And, even more amazingly, he seems to love it!

- Kevin Rose is a mini-celebrity. That dude got cheers from the crowd like he was a freakin pro wrestler. Nice guy too, had a few minor chats with him around the place and outside.

- Dan can drink. And he can pull off wearing sunglasses at night. Corey Heart would be proud.

- Alex Albrecht is one super cool guy. He and I actually had a couple of really cool, non tech conversations throughout the night. It's almost too bad that he had so much to do, because he'd definately be the guy you'd want to sit down and have a beer with. If you ever see this, I'm sorry I forgot to grab you're email address!

- Managed to meet Jay Adleson, CEO of Revision3.com . They are the ones responsible for all the new programing like Systm, Diggnation, and thebroken. Check them out online, it won't be long before they start cropping up on a television near you. Hope to hear from you soon.

- Amber is a sweetheart. She was getting mobbed by fanboys with their camera phones but still took a second to stop and say hello as I walked past the madness. She even appologized for being so busy - how Canadian is that I ask you!?

All in all, a great time out. A lot more people than I would have expected, but fun nonetheless. Kevin and Alex managed to bang off a new episode of Diggnation early in the afternoon, and should be available sometime of Saturday (maybe).


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