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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Downing Street Memo

Here's one you'll not hear in the mainstream press: make sure you download the Friday edition of Democracy Now! The show focuses on the recent outing of the aforementioned memo; in which President Bush expresses his desire to bomb Aljazeera offices in Fallujah. According to the memo, UK PM Tony Blair agrees with Bush.

You see, the Bush administration hates Aljazeera a lot because, despite all efforts, they cannot control them. Aljazeera has a nasty habit of being in the right place at the right time for the truth. In fact, in a the recent a massive assault the US conducted on Fallujah, Aljazeera was there televising live the huge scale civilian casualties. This prompted a nasty phone call from Donald Rumsfeld, which allegedly included a number of threats. In fact, the US would not agree to a ceasefire until Aljazeera left Fallujah.

The reason you will not hear about this in most mainstream media is twofold:

1. It involves the US. While they have called the existence of such a memo ridiculous, they have not actually denied the memo exists, that still doesn't mean we'll ever get the truth out of them. The media bends over backwards to make the current administration happy, else be cast into the back of the Humvee.

2. The UK government has enacted it's equivalent to the "reasons of National Security" rules in order to keep it out of sight. In fact, any media that releases the memo (should they even get their hands on it) will immediately face jail time.

But the story has gotten out. A few rouge MPs in the UK have seen the memo, and talked about it. It is rumored the memo has been distributed to some bloggers, but no publishing has been seen yet.

So check out the radio show it's excellent. It also features an interview with the President of Aljazeera, who himself has been on a mission to release the memo, or at least get an answer as to why they would want to destroy his station.


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