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The Daily Nar

Pulsus a mortuus equus. thedailynar@gmail.com

Web thedailynar.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuition Rates and You. Or: How the government can save students from a life of debt before they even get started.

So, the provincial government has announced that the tuition freeze will be lifted next year. It’s not like this is a surprise to me. Nor should it be to anyone. While the government recently announced a lot of money for post secondary education, we all know it’s:

A) Not enough; and
B) Not going to go to students

Is this the governments fault? Not really. I mean, they could probably earmark the fund specifically to offset the cost of living increase on tuition, but the Universities administration would probably go on strike. Or teach creationism, or something equally stupid.

My only hope is that the increase it prescribed. Cost of living increase is not determined by the University. Period. It is important for government types to realize the University administrative officials don’t give a graduated rat’s ass for the well-being of their undergrads. They are perfectly happy to see them receive more OSAP loans to offset the cost of the new executive faculty lounge. “They should get a job after school to pay back their debts, that’s what I did”. I think one of the biggest problems is when most University admin staff went to school; tuition was like $3000 for the whole sh-bang. Wise up.


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